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LearnKey-「Cisco PIX Firewall Update」 教學光碟 (5CD) <美國最大電腦出版商!>





LearnKey-「Cisco PIX Firewall Update」 教學光碟 (5CD) <美國最大電腦出版商!> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:LearnKey-「Cisco PIX Firewall Update」 教學光碟 (5CD) <美國最大電腦出版商!> 語系版本: 光碟片數:5片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003 軟體類型:電腦教學認證 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2004/2/13 官方網站:http://www.learnkey.com/store/images/CiscoPIXFirewall.php 中文網站:http://www.learnkey.com/store/images/CiscoPIXFirewall.php 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:400 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體簡介: LEARNKEY CISCO PIX FIREWALL UPDATE 英文光碟正式版 (5片裝) LearnKey公司美國最大最強的電腦出版商特選 CISCO PIX FIREWALL (防火牆)教學 課程,內容包含了 FIREWALL 的基本知識教學,及 CISCO PIX系列防火牆的設定及 調教資料,資料之豐富內容之完整,這可是你所無法從一般的學習管道得知的資料 哦, Learnkey 憑著多年的教育軟體編編輯功力及每一項例題都實際操作,所得的 資料可是非一般人所可以得到,這所有的資料都在這套教學光碟一一教導你。 Cisco安全PIX防火牆高級考試是Cisco安全專家必需的4門考試之一。可掌握如何定 義及描述網路防火牆安全過程及其在 Cisco PIX firewalls下的工作原理。專業指 導老師Michael Storm會示範如何配置Cisco PIX firewalls界面、協定與攻擊防護 來保護網路免受外來威脅。NDW STUDIO. The Cisco Secure PIX Firewall Advanced exam is one of four required for the Cisco Security Specialist 1 designation. In the Cisco PIX Firewall course from LearnKey, you will learn how to define and describe network firewall security procedures and how they work specifically with Cisco PIX firewalls. Expert instructor Michael Storm will demonstrate how to configure PIX firewall interfaces, protocols and attack guards to protect networks from security threats that may arrive via Internet traffic. At the conclusion of this course you will be prepared to pass the Cisco Secure PIX Firewall Advanced exam. Cisco PIX Firewall Session 1 Section A: Introduction Network Threats Certifications CCIP Course Focus Section B: Security Threats/Solutions Types of Threats Attack Types Security Process Security Wheel Security Network Monitor Test/Improve SAFE Framework Section C: Firewall Technologies Overview Bastion Host Firewall Perimeter Network Categories Packet Filters Proxy Filters Stateful Packet Section D: PIX Firewall Features Overview ASA Firewall Traffic Large Enterprise Med/Large Enterprise Med/Small Enterprise Small Enterprise Section E: PIX Maintenance Accessing Basic Commands Configuration/Testing New OS Install Monitor Mode Upgrade OS Password Recovery Section F: Upgrade PIX OS Show Version New PIX Upgrade New PIX PW Recovery Boot Recovery Disk Old PIX PW Recovery Section G: ASA Security Rules Configuration Concepts Security Levels Traffic Flow Rules Interface Associations Using Security Levels Advantages Algorithm Conduits Cisco PIX Firewall Session 2 Section A: ASA Operations Negotiations Translation Address Assignment Response Packets Section B: Six Basic Commands Overview Nameif Interface IP Address NAT Global Route View Configuration Section C: Configure PIX Firewall Basic Lab Security Levels Interface Info IP Addresses Route Address Translation Save/Verify Section D: Translation Rules TCP/IP Conversations Inside to Outside Outside to Inside Static Conduit Static/Conduit Example Using ACLs Additional Features Section E: NAT and PAT Address Allocation NAT Types Address Management NAT/PAT Limitations NAT Configurations PIX Configuration Managing Translations Managing Connections Section F: PIX Device Manager Overview PDM 2.1x Features PDM 3.0 Features Requirements Install/Upgrade Prepare for PDM Download PDM Cisco PIX Firewall Session 3 Section A: Configure PIX with PDM Load PDM PDM Startup Wizard Save Configuration Access/Translation Hosts/Networks Static Translations Create an ACL System Properties Section B: Object Grouping Overview Use Object Group ICMP Groups Network Groups Protocol Groups Service Groups Nesting Groups Groups in PDM Section C: Syslog Overview Configuring Syslog Logging Levels Section D: Cut-Through Proxy AAA Support Security Architecture AAA Technology Remote Security DB Secure ACS Install ACS Advanced Options Section E: CSACS Configuration ACS Interface Create User Group Setup Section F: AAA Configuration Overview Authentication Configure Authorization Enable Authentication Accounting Verification Commands Section G: Advanced Protocol Handling Overview Protocol Operations FTP Protocol Rsh Protocol SQL*Net Protocol Configure Fixup Cisco PIX Firewall Session 4 Section A: Multimedia Operation Overview Firewall Functions Enable Multimedia Add Protocols New Version Support Section B: Attack Guard Mail Guard DNS Guard Frag/Flood Guard Other Options Websense Section C: Service Configuration DHCP Server DHCP Config. Steps Config. Example Intrusion Detection IDS Configuration PDM Service Config. Setup PDM IDS Verify Audit Section D: Failover Overview Failover Events Failover Transfer Failover Communication Monitoring/Testing Failover Types Failover Example Failover Configuration Section E: IPSec/VPN Overview VPN Topologies VPN Scenarios IPSec IPSec Standards More IPSec Standards Security Associations Section F: IPSec Process Overview IPSec Modes IPSec Protection Scaling IPSec Networks Supported CA Servers Cisco PIX Firewall Session 5 Section A: Configuring IPSec Overview Create IKE Policies Pre-shared Keys Crypto Access Lists Transform Sets Crypto Maps Verify Configuration Section B: Scaling IPSec Configure CA Sample CA Verify/Update CA Section C: Configuring PIX VPN Create Access Lists ISAKMP Policy Crypto Map Check Configuration Section D: PPPoE/VPN with PDM PPPoE PPPoE on PIX Create Site-to-Site IPSec IKE Policy Remote Access VPN Authentication Authorization Section E: Configuring CSIS IOS Firewall IDS Configuration CBAC CBAC Configuration ACL Filtering Lock-and-Key Prevent DoS Attacks Logging Events Section F: Authentication Proxy Overview Configuring Auth-Proxy Add Auth-Proxy Custom Attributes AAA & Auth-Proxy   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
